Early Completion Program Information Session

The Early Completion Program Information Sessions for each Degree Programs, etc. are as follows.

(Reference) Early Completion Program

Degree Programs in Business Sciences

Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences

Doctoral Program in Mathematics

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information

Doctoral Program in Physics

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information
    OZAWA Akira

Doctoral Program in Chemistry

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information

Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences
Subprogram in Applied Physics

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information
    SUEMASU Takashi, OHNO Yuzo

    • Tel:029-853-5111
    • Email:
      • suemasu.takashi.gu#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)
      • ono.yuzo.gb#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)
    • Website:https://applphys.bk.tsukuba.ac.jp/

Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences
Subprogram in Materials Science

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information
    MATSUISHI Kiyoto, MARUMOTO Kazuhiro

Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences
Subprogram in Materials Science and Engineering NIMS

  1. information session,etc
    Please contact the academic advisor of your choice directly.
    If you have any questions, please contact us at “3. Contact information”.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Details of research
  3. Contact information
    TAKEUCHI Masayuki, FUKATA Naoki

Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering

Doctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences

Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering

  1. information session,etc
    9th August, 10 th August Individual consultation(Zoom)
    ※Very convenient times for remote interviews.Fall season undecided
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information(E-mail address, Tellphone Number)
      ※Individual consultation will be conducted using ZOOM
    • Name of workplace
    • Types and contents of master’s degrees (if you had were conferred it)
    • Peer-reviewed academic paper(s) (Please attach an abstract or paper if you have it)
    • Experience in presenting at international conferences
    • If you alredy contact to faculty member who gives you academic instructions after enrollment
    • Preferred time (Please confirm the date and time of web-site in advance)
    • Please inform us any other details of your questions in advance if it’s possible.
    • Notes The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of the seminar or consultation.

  3. Contact information
    Staff for early completion doctoral program in Degree program of risk

Doctoral Program in Computer Science

  1. information session,etc
    Individual consultation by Zoom or teams,WebEx etc (at any time)
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information(E-mail address, Tellphone Number)
      ※Individual consultation will be conducted using ZOOM, Teams or WebEx etc.
    • Name of workplace
    • Types and contents of master’s degrees (if you had were conferred it)
    • Peer-reviewed academic paper(s) (Please attach an abstract or paper if you have it)
    • Experience in presenting at international conferences
    • Other academic paper experience and recent submission plans
    • If you alredy contact to faculty member who gives you academic instructions after enrollment
    • Preferred date & time (It is possible at any time. Please list multiple options)
    • Notes The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of the seminar or consultation.

  3. Contact information
    Responsible for Early Completion of Information and Computer Science Program

Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems

  1. information session,etc
    Individual consultation by Zoom or Skype etc(at any time)
    [Summer] by July 16 is preferable  [Fall] by November 30 is preferable

  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information(E-mail address, Tellphone Number)
    • Name of workplace
    • Preferred date & time (Please list multiple options)
    • Please inform us any other details of your questions in advance if it’s possible.
      (The following questions are not required, but your answers will facilitate the interview)
    • Types and contents of master’s degrees (If you had were conferred it.)
    • List of achirvement (Peer-reviewed journal papers and international conference papers must be included)
    • Experience in presenting at international conferences
    • If you alredy contact to faculty member who gives you academic instructions after enrollment
    • Notes The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of the seminar or consultation.

  3. Contact information
    Responsible for Early completion doctoral program in Degree program of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems

Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy

  1. information session,etc
    Individual consultation by Zoom (at any time)
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information(E-mail address, Tellphone Number)
    • Name of workplace
    • Types and contents of master’s degrees (if you had were conferred it)
      (the titel and reserch filed of your master’s thesis, the name of university you were conferred the degree)
    • Peer-reviewed journal articles or Peer-reviewed academic papers of international conferences.
      (If it’s possible, please attach an abstract or paper)
    • Experience in presenting at international conferences
    • Preferred date & time (Please list multiple options)
    • Please inform us any other details of your questions in advance if it’s possible.
    • Notes The information you provide will be used only for the purpose of the seminar or consultation.

  3. Contact information
    Staff for early completion doctoral program in Degree program of engineering mechanics and energy

Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences

Doctoral Program in Biology

  1. information session,etc
    Direct contact to faculty by applicants
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
  3. Contact information
    Degree Programs in Biology

    • Email:seibutsu-senkou-jimu#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)

Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences

  1. information session,etc
    Applicants should contact the faculty member of their choice directly.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Outline of research
    • Details of research
    • Outline of research achievements (papers)
  3. Contact information
    Chiaki MATSUKURA

Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences

  1. information session,etc
    Applicants should contact the faculty member in charge directly. If necessary, we will respond individually.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
  3. Contact information
    Keiji Tanimoto

Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences

  1. information session,etc
    Direct contact to faculty by applicants
    (Please check the faculty contact information from the “Faculty and Research Field” link.)
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
  3. Contact information
    Kouji Nakamura (Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences)

    • Tel: 0298-53-6974
    • Email:nakamura.koji.ge#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)

Doctoral Program in Geosciences

  1. information session,etc
    Contact the professor of your choice directly
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Outline of research
  3. Contact information
    Yuji Yagi

Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies

  1. information session,etc
    Direct contact to faculty by applicants
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Outline of research
    • Outline of research achievements (papers)
    • Name of the supervisor(s)
    • Whether or not you contacted the supervisor(s): Yes/No
  3. Contact information
    Mitsuru Hirota (Environmental Degree Programs)

    • Email:
      • hirota.mitsuru.fw#@#u.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)
      • admission#@#envr.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace #@# with @)

Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation

  1. information session,etc
    We will hold an online information session.Please see “3. Contact information” for details.
  2. Required Items at the Time of Application
    Please write in the body of the email or attach the data.

    • Name
    • Contact information
    • Name of employer
    • Research outline
    • Outline of research achievements (papers)
    • Please specify an academic advisor of your choice from the “People” column on the website up to the third hope. At that time, if you have already contacted us, please specify so.
  3. Contact information
    Tsukuba Life Science Innovation Office